Don't Underestimate the Role of Team Building and Company Events

Is it true that team building improves employee productivity and ultimately improves the relationship with customers? The role of corporate activities should not be underestimated for several reasons. 

A Priceless Investment

As we mentioned in the introduction, there are several reasons to regularly organize team buildings, parties and anniversary celebrations. These kinds of events will definitely bring your employees closer together and thus create a kind of trust between them. And not only that. It also brings them closer to the company itself and this bond is extremely important. It builds loyalty and spreads the good name of the company.

Moreover, at work, most communication is mundane. A properly chosen team building will help to break down barriers in communication with superiors and within the team and also better use non-verbal forms of communication.

Teamwork is key. At a team building event, you may have tasks that one person just isn't up to, and your employees will have to work together and rely on each other. They will learn to overcome various obstacles together and find effective solutions to individual problems at work. In these activities, it often becomes clear who is best at which role. It will show who is the leader, the initiator, the motivator or the inspirer.

As long as the employees are productive, the company thrives. If there are bad, strained relationships in the workplace, it can be felt on the outside as well. A positive and well-adjusted team can create really good morale in the workplace. Having the right program in place will identify obstacles and bottlenecks and help bring more fun and enthusiasm to teams. Employees are more relaxed and if they're interacting with the customer, it will reflect in the communication in that direction too.

Watch Out for Obstacles

The hardest part of any team building is the planning. Another obstacle can be the reluctance and disinterest of employees. On the other hand, it is not ideal if such an activity is compulsory and should be done on a voluntary basis. Rather, try to focus on making the activities suitable for the majority. Make a small survey in the company, ask others, conduct a poll among employees or assign someone to this " investigative" task.

Consider also that it may be difficult for team members with children to participate in a multi-day team building event, so it may be advisable to set aside only one day or even just an evening together. Be sure to give everyone involved accurate information about the agenda, timings and anything else that is in any way related to the event.

It is also important to remember that team building is not a mediation. It is unlikely to resolve deeper conflicts or tensions. Try to get feedback after each such event so that you know what needs to be improved and, conversely, what should be avoided.

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