Easy tips for energy reduction at your place of business

Some business changes need to be thought thoroughly. Cons and pros have to weighted if and when your premises really need it. Consultations are done, sometimes even a bit of luck is needed to do the right decision. And then there are the easy fixes, ways to save a few coins here and there, even helping the planet in the process without much of an effort on your part leaving you thinking “why didn’t I do it a long time ago?” Our easy tips for reducing energy consumption at your place of business are definitely the latter.

Eliminate the fantom drain

More than half of the energy is consumed by electronics not in use. Every appliance, every gadget using electronically store settings can over time negatively impact your electric bill. It’s a good habit to unplug the devices that you don’t use daily and motivate your employees to do the same.

Energy audit

A lot of companies in the energetics business offer audits, often even for free. These are essential in reducing your energy consumption. They tend to bring to light the shortcoming of your premises and propose ways to fix them so it is economical for you while also adhering to modern ecological standards. It’s advisable to procure one of these audits sooner rather than later. Useless waste of energy will over time grow to bigger and bigger costs, just money flushed down the drain.

Don’t neglect the air conditioning

For air conditioning to work properly with the smallest negative energy footprint possible, you have to do regular maintenance. Air conditioning sucks air but with it all the filth that is present in the air. This filth reduces the effectiveness of your air conditioning and rises the energy needed for its proper functioning and with it also your overall consumption. Regular cleaning will not only decrease your charges, but it will also give your employees a higher standard of air quality.

Switch to LEDs

If you’ve waited with this one, stop. Math is pretty much bulletproof when it comes to LED bulbs. Their energy consumption is on average 75% less than their fluorescent counterparts. Seventy-five percent, that’s a number that even when thinking short-term beats all the counterarguments against this change despite higher initial investment. The planet will thank you, your wallet will thank you.

Install dimmer lights

Life is not black and white. Not every decision can be divided into a simple yes or no, zero or one. That applies also to the lights on your premises. They don’t have to be just turned on or off. There are times when you need less light, there are times when you need them to work at the absolute limit of their capacity. A simple solution is to change the switches for the ones capable of dimming. Besides lowering your energy consumption, they will also provide the comfort and flexibility of ideal light balance at your business throughout the year, no matter your needs.


In the end, let’s think about if we even always need our premises to be lit. Often we have a bad habit of letting our premises be artificially lit even though the light coming from outside suffice. Rather than letting the sunshine in we prefer blinds. It’s a shame because daylight can bring a whole new atmosphere to the workplace, help the mental health of your employees and of course, also reduce energy consumption. Sometimes for you to save on energy bills, you simply have to look outside.


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