How to Fulfill Your New Year's Resolution to Behave More Ecological in the Field of Toilet Hygiene?

With the new year comes an opportunity for new resolutions. One of the most useful ones – for you as well as for the environment – is the commitment to act more ecologically. In Slovak Hygienic Paper Group we can help you with such resolution in various ways.

The first one is a wide variety of ecological products which you can use instead of the classical ones without any effects on the level of quality you are providing for your company. In our offer you can find not only the ecological versions of folded paper towels, toilet paper and napkins known as Eco choice products made of smart eco paper, packed in eco packages, but also a large variety of products made from recycled paper which are considerate not only to the nature but to the environmental consciousness of everyone in the company.

An increasingly popular solution for companies are the ecological dispensers from the Eco choice line with their unique attributes which reduce the time of decomposition of the plastic material by 99%. These dispensers use a unique addition called Master Bio which is able to accelerate the process of decomposition in the intended area which makes them a significantly more ecological solution for 2021.

However, the option to behave more ecologically in the new year and decade is provided not only by individual products but also by their package and amount. Firstly, the Eco choice products are packed in recycled paper packages and in recyclable foil using 30% of reused foil. And secondly, the decision to buy hygienic products in larger – so called jumbo – packages in the new year will ease the burden not only on your wallet but also on the nature. The explanation for this lies in a simple equation: larger packages equal lesser amounts of plastic used for smaller packages plus a lesser need for constant deliveries polluting the environment. In other words, jumbo packages help you supply your company for a longer time while using less plastic as well as saving money in the process.

Everyone can behave more ecologically. Even a small change in our behaviour can lead to a huge service for the future of our planet. And this change can be significantly bigger if it is made by a manager able to influence not only theirs, but the behaviour of the whole company. The sector of hygienic products provides an ideal opportunity for such new-year change and in SHP Group we are more than glad to help you with it. 

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