How to Save Money when Running a Hotel, Restaurant or a Café? These Are Just Some of the Options

There are not many people who had to overcome more obstacles in recent months than hotel, restaurant, pub, café and bistro managers. The government restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic have influenced and are still influencing them the most and since the helping hand from the government varies and is not always adequate, it is important to consider every expense and look for areas to save money. 

Crisis As a Chance

One of the options is an optimization in the area of hygienic products  – and this does not have to mean a decrease in quality or safety. Pandemic restrictions can be approached as an option to finally make processes – for example in the kitchen – more effective. It is only logical because the economic pressure is too wide and strong. In other words, the gastronomic businesses have to change to survive.

What to Focus On

The changes include an optimization of expenses on hygienic products, whether these are paper towels, napkins, toilet paper soap or disinfection. These are often the types of products where you would not care where you bought them, how much they cost and in what amounts you ordered them. This chaos and disorder can provide us with useful space for financial optimization during these tough days. You only need to focus on a couple of basic things.

  • Larger orders for a longer period. The advantage of hygienic products is that they do not expire that quickly and can therefore be stored for a long time in a relatively small space. Larger orders also come with a better price than the single ad hoc ones.
  • Larger packages of hygienic products. The so-called jumbo packages offer an interesting option for saving money. Obviously, they cannot be used in every single place but they are a good option for a majority of them – like kitchens, for example. 
  • Recycled alternatives. Paper hygienic products are also produced in recycled versions which are also often economically more efficient. This way, you can act economic and ecological at the same time.
  • Dispensers and other new solutions. Obtain an automatic dispenser of toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, soap and disinfection. Previous experience has shown that the use of this equipment decreases the consumption of hygienic products. 

Last year, the hospitality sector was characterised by stricter hygienic measures. These lead to an increase in the use of hygienic products which resulted in the need to plan and supply the businesses better. Thanks to modern technologies you can now choose between various tools for this. The application Solution Finder offers the options of complex and optimized offers based on individual needs. In addition, it can also plan and estimate the inventory and notify you about products you will need to re-stock two weeks in advance.

Choose a Single Supplier for Everything

The general rule to save money when buying hygienic products is to choose a single large supplier. This step will get you not only a stable partner but also an option to react flexibly to unexpected situations. Slovak Hygienic Paper Group is an international company with years of experience which focuses on large supplies of hygienic products. It offers a wide range of products in various variants which allows you to place an order that suits exactly your needs.

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