Remote work or a new style of work
A new work trend - the home office - also came with the pandemic. But you have heard of the so-called Remote working? Employees work from anywhere outside the company's physical office. Peacefully from another state, from the beach, or from the hotel, airport lounge, or cafe. Co-working spaces are also known.
This job is ideal for people who can work and collaborate with others online. Tools like Slack, Zoom, and Teams have helped bridge any technology gap and allowed more people to work remotely and on the road.
For the employee, remote working brings a number of benefits such as greater flexibility and autonomy, elimination of long and often uncomfortable commuting, change of environment, new working contacts, and the opportunity to work from different parts of the world.
But is this way of working also beneficial for the employer? If your employees require remote work, consider the pros and cons.
5 advantages for the employer:
Increased labor productivity
Employees are paradoxically less distracted. They do their job according to their needs, which makes them happier, more comfortable, and undisturbed.
Lower operating costs
Although this does not apply to all positions, many employees pay for their own work equipment. For example, the cost of laptops and other equipment is often considered their responsibility, as these devices are likely to be used at leisure as well. Some companies save on costs associated with operating a property or on costs related to promotions, travel, or entertainment and benefits in the office. Depending on the size of your business, supporting remote employees can bring significant savings without radically restructuring your company.
Easier recruitment and access to a larger talent pool
Companies that support remote working and work across time zones have the world at their fingertips. They can hire a UX designer in Oslo, a developer in Bali, and a manager in Malaga. The best person for this job is probably not within walking distance of your office and may not want to move. Hiring talent remotely means you can find the person who is best suited for the position.
Increase satisfaction and better employee retention
Not only do you give employees more flexibility in their work and personal lives, but you also give them a chance to develop leadership skills by increasing independence and responsibility. You show employees that you trust them to do their job. Approximately 82% of people working remotely have a lower level of stress than internal workers.
Better preparedness
Although not every employee works remotely, supporting teleworking and formulating a disaster recovery plan is good risk management.
There are also several disadvantages you will have to face. For example, international data transfer, and the various labor laws in the countries that you must control to avoid fines or litigation. Because employees are remote, you do not have an overview of their physical and mental health.
In addition to protecting sensitive data, companies should give priority to the protection of the work created by their employees, including authorship, inventions, and designs. International intellectual property protection is a key factor to consider when hiring.
Try remote work and you may find that your team is more productive in collaborating remotely than in an open office.
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