5 things the Best Employers Do

To be attractive as an employer in the eyes of your employees and job seekers, it is no longer enough to offer a good salary. To retain employees and attract more talented people, you need to invest time in them and their development. In our article, we list 5 ways to do this. 

  1. Great Onboarding

As a good employer, you should have a well-established and efficient onboarding process for new employees. The first day in a new job is unrepeatable and therefore you should make a good impression. Many employees will make up their minds after a chaotic first day. That's why it's important to have everything ready. A working computer that has all the programs your new employee needs to do their job, a business phone, passwords, accounts and email set up.

  1. Learning Broken Down Into Three Parts

Swiss Re, one of the top employers in its field in 2017, divides learning into three parts: 70/20/10. It goes like this:

70% employees learn from what they do at work as well as from their mistakes. 

20% they learn from their colleagues, with whom they work on various tasks and projects. 

10% are taught via targeted learning, for example from workshops, courses and training.  

  1. Developing Employee Talent

You should be interested in the growth of your employees. Develop their talents, make them acquire new knowledge, push them forward. For example, as we mentioned above, with training and courses. But all of this during the working hours - to maintain the work-life balance, which is very important nowadays.  

  1. The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

It is increasingly important for employees whether their employer helps them in any way. Whether they initiate their own projects that employees can get involved in or help non-profit organisations. The main thing is that they show a willingness to help and make a difference. Many companies give their employees the opportunity to get involved in such projects, either during working hours or in other ways. 

  1. Flexibility

In today's world, flexible working hours and home office are only just some of the demands of the employees. People already consider 8 AM to 4 PM working hours a thing of the past and expect flexible working hours where they can start and finish anytime from 6 AM to 6 PM. The only fixed things should be the certain number of hours. 

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