What is the future of hydrogen use?

The most environmentally friendly fuel with the potential for rapid growth? It is hydrogen. Today, hydrogen technologies are still in the early stages of their life cycle. Their development and effectiveness are still in progress. No matter what field you work in, the development of the use of hydrogen is a topic that will be increasingly interesting not only to the industrial areas.

The future of hydrogen

In 2050, renewable energy sources could supply a substantial part of European energy. Of this, hydrogen could represent up to a fifth. The European Commission estimates that by 2030, 17% of new trucks should run on hydrogen. At the same time, hydrogen should play an important role in the decarbonisation of emission-intensive industries such as steel production, the chemical industry and transportation.

Hydrogen and its use

Hydrogen can be used to produce energy and heat for homes and commercial buildings. The advantage is that it is possible to use (after certain modifications) the existing natural gas infrastructure for hydrogen, which already is established in homes and offices. However, there are some obstacles - it is necessary to modify the existing burners to work with hydrogen, it is necessary to solve the explosion protection and, moreover,  hydrogen is odorless, so it does not smell when it escapes. Hydrogen is not a complete novelty on the market. However, he has problems with its image due to high flammability.

Do you use gas boilers?

Gas boilers can burn hydrogen in a mixture with natural gas. Hydrogen can be mixed into gas already today. It is certainly worth mentioning that with 20% of green hydrogen blended into natural gas, greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by around 8%.

For example, Viessmann company manufactures heating and cooling systems and various types of boilers that use hydrogen-ready technologies. Last year, this company launched a new line of gas boilers certified to burn natural gas with 20% hydrogen admixture. In addition, the company is also developing brand new boilers that will be able to burn 100% hydrogen and they should hit the market in the year 2024. Will you consider replacing the old gas boiler with a modern condensing boiler?

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